Saturday, May 4, 2013

As Above, So Below - Part One

Your physical reality is a direct result of your mental reality.  What goes on up in your brain affects what goes on in your life. Your mindset has a tremendous impact on the world around you.

If you think you can't, you can't. If you think you can, maybe you can, and maybe you can't--but at least there's the possibility that you can.

If you expect negativity and look for it, you will find a lot of it. If you give the world the benefit of the doubt, you'll notice a lot more positive things.

This goes hand in hand with karma. It's not a perfect concept. Good things happen to bad people. Bad things happen to good people. Of course. However, if you smile at someone, usually they will smile back, and if you flip someone the bird, they'll probably return the gesture.

If you're a nasty person, you are going to find yourself surrounded by nasty people or alone. If you're kind, there will always be those wanting to take advantage, but kind people will be more likely to stick around after meeting you, too. It's your choice who you let in.

Your feelings and thoughts affect your words and actions, which affect your world more than anything. If you are thinking and feeling negative things, you are going to wind up saying and doing negative things that hurt your chances at happiness.

Even if you feel sad, you can focus on doing things that make you happy; you can catch yourself dwelling on negative thoughts and find something else to think about. You can ignore sadness until you've forced it to become too small to control you.

It's healthy to vent, but if you complain all the time, you're not making any progress. If all you ever have to say is how sad you feel, no one is going to want to be around you. Act happy. Fake it until it's through. It's not about hiding your emotions; it's about showing other ones, too. They're still there. Even in the darkest depression, a funny joke can make you laugh.

Some of this is a little empty coming from me, a person who gets into depressions so deep that no amount of friendly support or weed or even change can help. I have to drag myself out of it, slowly, and hope I haven't alienated myself too much from my friends in the process. I have to just wake up one day and say "I like the beach. Today I'm going to go to the beach." I might wind up just feeling sad on the beach, but at least I'm somewhere I like.

Maybe sadness is just our body's way of telling us it's time to be selfish. That doesn't mean be a bitch; it just means, do whatever you have to do to make yourself happy. Distract yourself. Spoil yourself. Do what you like. Think of something about yourself you're proud of in the morning and use it to metaphorically puff out your chest for the day. Indulge in something. Take a day off. Say "no" to people and things that make you unhappy.

We live in a society that preaches against selfishness, and it's created a completely selfish society. Selflessness is putting someone else first, doing things for the benefit of others. People seem to mistakingly think it means "Fuck your needs. Put me before you." It doesn't. You can make yourself depressed by being too selfish--by being a bitch. But the best cure for depression is selfishness.

What's up there controls what's down here. Control what's up there, and you have more control over what's down here. It seems like an impossible task, but it's not as hard as it seems. Maybe you don't want to or you think you shouldn't have to. That's laughable. It's your brain; who else should control it? The nature of life makes it imperative for you to control it.

The Wheel of Fortune is always turning. Life is a ferris wheel. You go from the top to the bottom and back on up again. There's only one Wheel, and it's spinning in every single area of your life. You can't control that Wheel or what height you'll be at when it stops. You can only count on the fact that it will keep turning and try to trust Destiny. If you're not attached to a certain outcome, to stopping in a certain position, you can't be disappointed with wherever you end up.

This is also true about your physical health. Your body is only as healthy as your mind. Stress, depression, addiction, anxiety can all cause physical symptoms to manifest, elevating your risks for health problems. Likewise, your mind is affected by your physical health, which can cause stress, depression, and anxiety, too.

You are responsible for your happiness, not the world. A little positive thinking goes a long way, and positive acting does even more. You can't choose everything that goes on in your brain, but you have enough choice to reprogram your thoughts so that you won't have to try to put on a good face, it'll just happen. If you're down, look at the big picture of life, rather than a snapshot of where you are now. When you're worried about the future, try to live more for the moment. Whatever you're looking at mentally that's bringing you down, flip it the bird, and look at something else.

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