Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dogma and Enlightenment

I think the Buddhists are closest to having it right. I was never drawn much to Buddhism, except for certain concepts, because it seemed so complicated. And truthfully, I still believe the Buddhists overcomplicate concepts that, for mankind to truly embrace and benefit from them, need to be simplified. It was not meant to be a religion, but that is what it has become--and that makes it as outdated as the other dogmas of this world.

But there is universal truth and wisdom in every religion; you just have to cut through the superficial, elitest, meaningless drivel everyone has been spewing for so many centuries, proclaiming themselves Enlightened when in fact Enlightenment is not something you can reach in one lifetime, or many, if at all, because it is a continual process. As life and society on this planet changes, even the "Enlightened" will have more learning and growing to do to become Enlightened yet again. Maybe understanding this is the real key to Enlightenment.

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