Saturday, January 19, 2013


The Intangible God

God: the unseen, divine force that reigns supreme over this world, governing nature and all that is, dwelling in every living creature and propelling each man towards the true purpose of his birth to make him the person that he was meant to be: one who loves himself, others, and the world unconditionally and uses that force and that love to create positive change first within self and then within the world; the breath of life, the escense of being alive, the fifth element which is called "Spirit" or "Soul," and the source of all magic; the All, both yin and yang, a pool from which springs every possible human emotion, experience, and desire, which every man will encounter on his path to God and even after; Love, unconditional love, which persists endlessly, and will not be overcome, despite human fallacy and the negative emotions that swim around it.

God as a Being

a god: a man--any man, every man

goddess: a woman--any woman, every woman

demi-god(dess)--an individual aspect of god(dess), that is to say of the human psyche

God(dess): the (wo)man who is fully awakened and self-realized, in touch with the force and love of God both within and without, who has learned to balance the forces of yin and yang within, and wields this inner force in the world.

Godself: your true nature, the person you are meant to be

God: the masculine half of the Twin Flame, to whom Goddess answers as God

Goddess: the feminine half of the Twin Flame, to whom God answers

God as Diety

Aphrodite: the goddess of love within a woman

Eros: the god of love within a man

Athena: the goddess of war within all women

Aries: the god of war within all men

And so on, and so forth. When you are calling upon Artemis, you are calling upon that aspect of the Goddess within yourself and the world. It is not an invisible, omniscient being from which your strength comes from. Belief in that just helps you tap into the strength that is already available to you in yourself, in others, and in nature.

Perhaps this makes me seem like an Athiest, but an Athiest is one who does not believe in God. I believe. The power of God and to be God is within all of us.

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